What Are Dental Implants, and When Do I Need Them?

Missing teeth can profoundly impact an individual’s quality of life. From compromised chewing abilities to diminished self-confidence, the repercussions can be far-reaching. Fortunately, modern dentistry furnishes a remarkable solution—dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are an ingenious restorative solution that replaces missing tooth roots with artificial, biocompatible anchors. These titanium, ceramic, or zirconium components are surgically implanted into one’s jawbone, where they fuse with the bordering bone tissue via a process called osseointegration.

Once this fusion is complete, a custom-crafted artificial tooth (crown) is securely mounted atop the implant. This helps deliver a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing tooth.

what is dental implants

What material are dental implants made of?

The materials used in dental implants are meticulously chosen for their exceptional strength, durability, and biocompatibility. Here’s a closer look at the most prevalent options:

  • Ceramic dental implants: These implants offer an excellent aesthetic outcome, seamlessly blending with the natural tooth colour. While highly biocompatible, ceramic implants require precise placement and may not be suitable for all patients.
  • Titanium dental implants: Titanium, a lightweight yet incredibly robust metal, is the gold standard for dental implants. Its unique ability to osseointegrate with the jawbone— coupled with its exceptional corrosion resistance— makes it an ideal choice for long-lasting dental restorations.
  • Zirconium dental implants: Zirconium, a metal closely related to titanium, offers impressive strength. Coupled with its tooth-like colour, these implants offer a blend of functionality and aesthetics.
  • Porcelain dental implants: These implants closely mimic the natural translucency and lustre of teeth, ensuring a seamless and lifelike appearance.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants are a versatile solution, but not everyone is an ideal candidate. Generally, individuals who meet the following criteria are best suited to get dental implants:

  • Have one or more missing teeth due to tooth decay, bruxism, gum disease, facial injury, etc
  • Possess adequate jawbone density to support the implant.
  • Are free from active periodontal disease or other oral health issues.
  • Do not have medical conditions that could impair healing or osseointegration.
  • Are non-smokers— or at least willing to quit smoking during the treatment process.
  • Are committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

Remember, it’s imperative to consult with an experienced dental professional who can thoroughly evaluate your unique circumstances and confirm if dental implants are the right choice for your dental situation.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants avail a multitude of advantages that extend far beyond mere tooth replacement. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

  1. Improved chewing efficiency: With dental implants, one can enjoy a bite force comparable to that of natural teeth— allowing the consumption of a wider variety of foods without discomfort or restriction.
  2. Enhanced speech clarity: Missing teeth can cause speech impediments and slurring. Dental implants help restore proper enunciation and articulation.
  3. Preserved bone density: When a tooth is lost, one’s jawbone starts to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. In practice, dental implants mimic the natural tooth root, preventing this bone loss and maintaining facial structure.
  4. Boosted self-confidence: A complete, radiant smile can work wonders for one’s self-esteem and overall well-being. Dental implants provide a natural-looking and long-lasting solution that can profoundly impact your confidence.
  5. Durability and longevity: With intentional care and maintenance, dental implants may last a lifetime. Thus, providing a permanent solution to tooth loss.

Types of dental implants

While the fundamental concept of dental implants remains consistent, there are several variations designed to cater to diverse needs and oral anatomies. Here are the primary types:

  1. Endosteal Implants: These are the prevalent common type of dental implants. They are surgically embedded directly into one’s jawbone, where they assimilate with the surrounding bone tissue over time.
  2. Subperiosteal Implants: In cases where the jawbone density is insufficient for endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants may be recommended. These implants are surgically placed on top of one’s jawbone, under the gum tissue, providing support for the artificial teeth.
  3. Zygomatic Implants: For patients with severe jawbone deterioration, zygomatic implants offer a viable solution. These implants are anchored in the zygomatic (cheekbone) area, bypassing the need for jawbone integration and enabling the restoration of a full arch of teeth.

Dental implants procedure

A skilled dentist meticulously plans and executes each stage of the implant procedure for receiving dental implants. Here’s a general overview of the procedure:

  1. Initial consultation and evaluation: A dentist will conduct a comprehensive examination that includes X-ray and 3D imaging to assess one’s oral health and determine the best course of action.
  2. Tooth extraction (if necessary): If one has a damaged or decayed tooth that needs removal, this exercise will be done before the implant placement.
  3. Bone grafting (if required): In instances where the jawbone density is insufficient, a bone grafting procedure may be performed to augment the area and create a sturdy foundation for the implant.
  4. Implant placement surgery: During this outpatient procedure, your dentist will carefully make a minor incision in your gum and carefully drill a precise hole in your jawbone. The implant post will then be inserted into this hole, and the gum tissue will be sutured over it.
  5. Osseointegration period: Over the next several months, the implant may gradually fuse with the surrounding bone tissue— a process known as osseointegration. This crucial step ensures the implant’s long-term stability and success.
  6. Abutment attachment: Once osseointegration is complete, a small connector piece called an abutment shall be attached to the implant, protruding through the gum line.
  7. Artificial tooth placement: Finally, your custom-crafted artificial tooth (crown, denture or bridge) will be securely attached to the abutment. Thus, completing the restoration process.

How to care for dental implants?

Proper care and maintenance are mission-critical for ensuring the longevity and long-term success of your dental implants. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Brush and floss regularly: Like natural teeth, dental implants necessitate daily brushing and flossing to eliminate plaque and food debris. So, utilise a soft-bristled toothbrush as well as non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging the implant surfaces.
  2. Attend regular dental check-ups: Regular visits to your dentist are imperative for monitoring the condition of your implants and surrounding gum tissue.
  3. Avoid harmful habits: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and chewing on hard objects can compromise the integrity of one’s dental implants. So, avoid them altogether.
  4. Use specialised cleaning aids: Interdental brushes, water flossers, and other specialised tools can help you reach those hard-to-clean areas around your implants. Thereby, ensuring optimal oral hygiene.
  5. Maintain a balanced diet: A nutrient-rich diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, can promote healthy gum tissue and bone density, supporting the long-term success of your implants.

Dental implants cost in Malaysia

The cost of dental implants in Malaysia varies depending on several factors, including the type of implant, the number of implants required, the sophistication of the procedure, and the location of the dental practice.

Full-mouth dental implants cost: For a full-mouth restoration involving multiple implants, the cost can range from RM 40,000 to RM 120,000 or more—depending on the specific requirements and materials used.

Dental implant cost per tooth: The cost of a single dental implant can range from RM 6,000 to RM 12,000 or more, including the implant, abutment, and crown.

It’s important to note that these figures are rough estimates. The actual costs may vary based on your individual needs and the dental practice you choose.

Where to get dental implants in Malaysia?

If you’re considering dental implant treatment in Malaysia, it’s imperative to choose a reputable and experienced dental practice. mydentist® is a leading dental care provider with multiple locations across the country, offering a wide range of dental services, including dental implants.

Where to get dental implants in Malaysia

Frequently Asked Questions

How many implants can you do in one day?

The number of implants placed in a single day depends on various factors, such as the intricacy of the case and the patient’s overall health. In some cases, multiple implants can be placed during a single surgical session, but this decision is made on a case-by-case basis by your dental provider.

Do you have to go without teeth before getting implants?

No, you don’t have to go without teeth before getting implants. Your dentist can provide temporary solutions, such as temporary dentures or bridges, to maintain aesthetics and functionality while your implants heal.

How long do dental implants last?

With proper maintenance, dental implants may last for decades, and in some cases, even a lifetime. Their longevity depends on various factors, such as the quality of the implant materials, the patient’s oral hygiene habits, and the absence of underlying medical conditions that could affect bone density or healing.

Can front teeth be implanted?

Yes, front teeth can be replaced with dental implants, providing a natural-looking and durable solution for missing teeth.

How many teeth can you have on implants?

Dental implants support individual crowns, bridges, or even full arches of teeth— depending on the patient’s needs and oral health.

What happens if you don’t replace a tooth with an implant?

Leaving a missing tooth unreplaced can lead to various oral health issues, including bone loss in the jaw bone, shifting of adjacent teeth, and changes in facial structure. Dental implants help prevent these complications by providing a stable and functional replacement for one’s missing teeth.

Can you chew on a temporary implant?

While temporary implants are designed to withstand chewing forces, it’s essential to avoid putting excessive pressure on them to prevent damage. So, stick to soft foods and avoid biting down forcefully on temporary restorations.

How can I cover my missing teeth while waiting for the implant?

Your dentist can provide temporary solutions such as dentures or bridges to cover missing teeth and maintain aesthetics and functionality while you wait for your implants to heal.

At what age can you get dental implants?

There is no strict age restriction for dental implants. Still, most dentists recommend waiting until the jawbone has fully developed, which typically occurs around the late teenage years or early 20s.

How safe are dental implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate (90%-95%). They are generally considered a safe tooth replacement option (when performed by a competent and experienced dental surgeon). However, like any surgical procedure, there are some inherent risks. So, it’s essential to discuss any concerns with your dentist.

Why are dental implants so expensive?

The cost of dental implants reflects the complexity of the procedure, including surgical placement, materials used, and customisation of restorations. Additionally, factors such as laboratory fees, overhead costs, and post-operative care may contribute to the overall expense.

How much does bone grafting cost for dental implants?

Bone grafting costs for dental implants can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the type of grafting material used. It’s best to consult with your dental provider for specific pricing information.

How long does it take to get dental implants?

The timeline for getting dental implants can vary depending on factors such as healing time, the need for bone grafting, and the complexity of the case.

What do dental implants look like?

Dental implants are expressly designed to mimic the appearance of natural teeth—with custom-made crowns that match the shape, size, and colour of one’s surrounding teeth for a seamless blend.


Dental implants are a transformative solution for replacing missing teeth. They offer numerous benefits and restore both function and aesthetics to your smile. If you’re considering dental implant treatment services, be sure to consult a qualified dental professional to determine the best course of action for your oral health needs.